Getting started

Getting started

Version: 4.3.x

Welcome to EDDI!

This article will help to get you easily started with EDDI.

You have two Options on how to run EDDI. The most convenient way is to run EDDI as Docker Service. Alternatively, of course, you can run EDDI also from the source by checking out the git repository and building the project with maven.


  1. Download and Install MongoDB (Version >= 3.x)
  2. Run MongoDB on default port 27017 (this step is important before your run EDDI)
start mongo db
mongod --dbpath [ABS_PATH_TO_DATA]

Option 1 - EDDI as Docker Service

Prerequisites: You need an up and running Docker environment. (For references, see: https://docs.docker.com/learn/)

  1. run docker command:

    Run using docker, you can set the environment to development or production by introducing the EDDI_ENV
    docker run -it -e "EDDI_ENV=development" labsai/eddi
  2. Visit http://localhost:7070
  3. You should see Listing of all available APIs

Option 2 - Run from Source


  • Checkout from Github
  • Java 8
  • Maven 3

Building Project with Maven

  • Go to the root directory and execute
  • Execute maven command:

    maven build command
    mvn clean install 

Important for eclipse users

If you are planning to browse and build EDDI's code from eclipse, You must take in consideration that EDDI uses project Lombok, so you must add it to eclipse classpath, this can be done easily by executing this jar .m2\repository\org\projectlombok\lombok\1.16.18\lombok-1.16.18.jar

Start Servers locally from Class File

1 - Launch EDDI's ApiServer class with VM options

VM options

Example :

VM options

3- set the working directory to apiserver

IntelliJ Configuration

  1. Go to Browser --> http://localhost:7070

You can overwrite all configs within eddi either by altering the configs itself or - for convenience reasons (especially when running as the container) - by passing on VM params.


-Xbootclasspath/p:'.:lib/alpn-boot-8.1.11.v20170118.jar' -DEDDI_ENV=[development/production] -Dmongodb.hosts=somehost -Duser.dir=[LOCAL_PATH_TO_EDDI]\apiserver ai.labs.api.ApiServer

Start Servers from ZIP

  1. launch EDDI's ApiServer from the packaged ZIP file apiserver/target/apiserver-4.3-package.zip with VM options -Xbootclasspath/p:'.:lib/alpn-boot-8.1.11.v20170118.jar' -DEDDI_ENV=[development/production] -Duser.dir=[LOCAL_PATH_TO_EDDI]\apiserver ai.labs.api.ApiServer
    or use .\apiserver\ApiServerStartup.bat resp. ./apiserver/ApiServerStartup.sh
  2. Go to Browser --> http://localhost:7070

Passing it on to a Docker container (either plain/docker-compose/kubernetes), every environment variable name starting with "EDDI_JAVA_ENV_" will be automatically used.

Example: EDDI_JAVA_ENV_MONGODB_HOSTS=mongodb.hosts=somehost would end up as VM param in eddi (-Dmongodb.hosts=somehost)

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